Spalding Authorship Page
Dale R. Broadhurst
Comparison of selected phrases from the
Oberlin Spalding manuscript and Book of Mormon
At the Head of His Army
And it came to pass that when Ammon had made ready the horses and chariots for the king and his servants, he went in unto the king. . . [Alma 12:82 RLDS, 18:12 LDS]
Hamboon, mounted on an elegant horse, richly caparisoned, rode through the encampment proclaiming aloud. . .[Oberlin MS 142:22]
And now it came to pass that Helaman did march at the head of his two thousand stripling soldiers. . . [Alma 24:78 RLDS, 53:22 LDS]
. . .Elseon at the head of thirty thousand warriors. They had marched with the greatest speed. . . [Oberlin MS 165:25-27] |
Marching And Fighting Armies: More Textual Parallels
At the head of this army, Bombal began his march [ObMs 075:11]
(1.2) Sambal,
at the head of a great multitude [ObMs 130:28]
At the head of a select band of sixteen thousand [ObMs 136:09]
At the head of ten thousand bold and robust warriors [ObMs 136:15]
At the head of this army. . . he marched [ObMs 140:25]
(1.6) are now
at the head of one hostile army [ObMs 141:32]
(1.7) are
at the head of the other (army) [ObMs 141:34]
(1.8) Hamkol
at the head of many thousand Sciotans [ObMs 147:22]
(1.9) being
at the head of my brave warriors [ObMs 160:02]
(1.10) himself
at the head of about one thousand warriors [ObMs 164:09]
(1.11) Now Alma. . .went up. . .
at the head of his armies [Alma 2:16 LDS]
(1.12) Amalickiah had come. . .
at the head of his army [Alma 49:10 LDS]
(1.13) Amalickiah did himself come down,
at the head of the Lamanites [Alma 51:12 LDS]
(1.14) Helaman did march
at the head of these two thousand [Alma 56:09 LDS]
(1.15) Coriantumr did march forth
at the head of his numerous host [Helaman 01:19 LDS]
(1.16) I did go forth
at the head of an army of the Nephites [Mormon 2:2 LDS]
(2.1) Rambock
marched his whole army towards the city of Gamba. . . [ObMs156:13]
(2.2) Coriantumr. . .
did march forth with his whole army into the city . . . [Hel. 1:21 RLDS, 2:20 LDS]
they retreated and marched to the fort [ObMs 157:26]
they retreated. . .and marched towards the Land of Noah. . . [Alma 21:163 RLDS, 49:12 LDS]
(4.1) They began their
march towards the Land of Kentuck. . . [ObMs138:15]
(4.2) took their camp and
marched towards the land of Noah [Alma 49:12 LDS]
(4.3) and had begun his
march towards the land Bountiful [Alma 52:15 LDS]
(4.4) they should
march forward by another way
towards the land of Manti [Alma 58:26 LDS]
(4.5) Moroni. . . took his
march towards the land of Gideon [Alma 62:03 LDS]
(4.6) whatsoever force he could in all his
march towards the land of Gideon [Alma 62:04 LDS]
(4.7) took their
march with a large body of men
towards the land of Nephihah [Alma 62:14 LDS]
(4.8) they pursued their
march towards the land of Nephihah [Alma 62:18 LDS]
(5.1) Call immediately into the field
an army of three
thousand men [ObMs 074:05]
(5.2) Kentucks . . . assembled
an army of thirty
thousand men who [ObMs 075:07]
(5.3) plan of Lobaska,
an army of thirty
thousand men were captured [ObMs 117:19]
(5.4) food, which was guarded to us by
an army of two
thousand men [Alma 58:08 LDS]
an army of six
thousand men should be sent unto Helaman [Alma 62:12 LDS]
(5.6) that
an army of six
thousand men. . . be sent to the armies of Lehi [Alma 62:13 LDS]
(6.1) by this
small band of valiant citizens [ObMs 157:08]
(6.2) fighting Lamoch and the
little band of desperate heroes [ObMs 166:01]
(6.3) He instantly selected a
small band and marched [ObMs 167]
(6.4) with the survivors of his
little band of warriors [ObMs 170:21]
(6.5) join their brethren, my
little band of two thousand [Alma 57:06 LDS]
(6.6) my
little band of two thousand and sixty [Alma 57:19 LDS]
(6.7) lead them out of the city by our
small bands [Alma 58:02 LDS]
(7.1) rid our country from the most ferocious
band of murderers [ObMs 116:16]
(7.2) send forth to take this
band of robbers and secret
murderers [Helaman 02:10 LDS]
(8.1) gentlemen immediately rode back
with the greatest speed [ObMs 115:24]
(8.2) They had
marched with the greatest speed [ObMs 165:26]
(8.3) and
marched, with the utmost speed, to the left wing [ObMs 167:26]
(8.4) Antipus, beholding our danger, did
speed the march of his army [Alma 56:38 LDS]
(8.5) weariness, which was occasioned by the
speed of their march [Alma 56:51 LDS]
(8.6) we took our
march with speed towards the city Cumeni [Alma 57:34 LDS]
(8.7) the Lamanites did follow after us
with great speed [Alma 58:19 LDS]
(8.8) and their
march was
with such exceedingly great speed that [Helaman 01:19 LDS]
(9.1) He had a reserved core, who were placed
in the rear of the main body [ObMs 75]
(9.2) The musicians fell back
in the rear [ObMs 145]
(9.3) others were sorely wounded & retired back
in the rear [ObMs 146]
(9.4) had the divisions or bands
in the rear of each army remained inactive [ObMs 147]
(9.5) But the bands
in the rear of their army instantly rushed forward [ObMs 147]
(9.6) being reinforced by a body of troops
in their rear [ObMs 149:18]
(9.7) found the war to rage
both in front and rear [ObMs 157]
(9.8) the Sciotan army and lie in ambush
in their rear [ObMs 159:24]
(9.9) and to fall upon
the rear of the Kentucks. [ObMs 157]
(9.10) their places were supplied from
the rear [ObMs 167]
(9.11) encircled the Lamanites about on the east
in their rear [Alma 43:35 LDS]
(9.12) the Nephites coming upon them
in their rear [Alma 43:36 LDS]
(9.13) Moroni had been
in their rear with his army [Alma 52:29 LDS]
(9.14) the Lamanites
in the rear delivered up their weapons [Alma 52:36 LDS]
(9.15) to fall upon them
in their rear, and thus bring them [Alma 55:23 LDS]
(9.16) bring them up
in the rear at the same time [Alma 56:23 LDS]
(9.17) the armies of the Nephites
both in their front and in their rear [3 Nephi 04:25 LDS]
(10.1) those who shall die, gloriously fighting in the cause of
their country and their God . . .shall arise quickly to the abodes of increasing delight and glory. [ObMs 130:22]
(10.2) they have died in the cause of
their country and of their God, yea, and they are happy. [Alma 56:11 LDS]
(10.3) those who had rebelled against
their country and also their God [Alma 62:02 LDS]
(11.1) If invaded by an
enemy he shall
defend them [ObMs 083:19]
(11.2) able
to defend themselves against an invading
enemy [ObMs 103:10]
(11.3) should go
to defend themselves against the Lamanites [Alma 43:23 LDS]
(11.4) were taught
to defend themselves against their enemies [Alma 48:14 LDS]
(11.5) they should go
to defend themselves against their enemies [Alma 48:16 LDS]
(11.6) were they prepared
to defend themselves against the Lamanites [Alma 49:20 LDS]
to defend themselves against their enemies [Alma 53:16 LDS]
(12.1) execute His vengeance in their
overthrow and destruction [ObMs 103:17]
(12.2) predict their eventual
overthrow and destruction [ObMs 128:31]
(12.3) the Sciotans . . . have been
overthrown and destroyed [ObMs 150:07]
(12.4) come upon our land, to our
overthrow and utter destruction [Alma 58:09 LDS]
(12.5) the
overthrow, yea, almost the entire
destruction of the [Helaman 02:13 LDS]
(12.6) to your
overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these [Ether 08:23 LDS]
(13.1) The
slaughter was immense and each [ObMs 149:20]
(13.2) An
immense slaughter was made [ObMs 151:30]
(13.3) viewed the
immense slaughter that had been made [ObMs 152:07]
(13.4) and make a
most dreadful slaughter [ObMs 154]
(13.5) contrived the
slaughter of the Sciotans [ObMs 155:26]
(13.6) which prevented an
immense slaughter of citizens [ObMs 157:31]
(13.7) that an
indiscriminate slaughter had taken place [ObMs 158]
(13.8) After the
slaughter was ended, in passing [ObMs 162:10]
Great already had been the
slaughter which the [ObMs 165:19]
(13.10) Sambal's death and the
immense slaughter [ObMs 169:16]
(13.11) wars, and
great slaughters with the sword [1 Nephi 12:02 LDS]
(13.12) and we slew them with a
great slaughter [Mosiah 10:20 LDS]
(13.13) they slew the Amlicites with
great slaughter [Alma 02:18 LDS]
(13.14) and did slay them with
much slaughter [Alma 02:19 LDS]
(13.15) there was a
tremendous slaughter among the people [Alma 28:03 LDS]
(13.16) they were slain with an
immense slaughter [Alma 49:21 LDS]
(13.17) to slay them with an
exceedingly great slaughter [Alma 59:07 LDS]
great has been the
slaughter among our people [Alma 60:05 LDS]
(13.19) that they did slay them with a
great slaughter [Alma 62:38 LDS]
(13.20) slaying the people with a
great slaughter [Helaman 01:27 LDS]
(13.21) and the
great slaughter which was among them [Helaman 04:11 LDS]
(13.22) yea,
great and terrible was the
slaughter thereof [3 Nephi 04:11 LDS]
(13.23) and the
great slaughter which had been made [3 Nephi 04:24 LDS]
(13.24) slaughtered with an
exceedingly great slaughter [Mormon 04:21 LDS]
(14.1) they
fell with horrid groans, pale and lifeless on the sanguine plain [ObMs 146:23]
(14.2) and
tumbling headlong, with a groan, expired [ObMs 148:13]
(14.3) The young hero
fell and, with a groan, expired [ObMs 155:30]
(14.4) to the heart, that he
fell dead without a groan [Helaman 02:09 LDS]
(15.1) afforded them no time to
bury their dead [ObMs 151:06]
(15.2) be employed from each army in
burying the dead [ObMs 151:24]
(15.3) for the purpose of
burying the remains of those [ObMs 153:09]
(15.4) leaving five thousand men to
bury the dead [ObMs 171:08]
(15.5) I, myself. . . did help to
bury their dead [Mosiah 09:19 LDS]
(15.6) after they had finished
burying their dead they all [Alma 03:01 LDS]
(15.7) a sepulchre. . . for the purpose of
burying their dead [Alma 19:01 LDS]
(15.8) and
their dead were buried by the people of the land [Alma 30:01 LDS]
(15.9) after they had
buried their dead, and also after [Alma 30:02 LDS]
(15.10) compel them to go forth and
bury their dead, yea [Alma 53:01 LDS]
(15.11) after the Lamanites had finished
burying their dead [Alma 53:03 LDS]
(15.12) and had
buried our dead and also the dead of the [Alma 57:28 LDS]
(15.13) there was none left to
bury the dead, but they did [Ether 14:22 LDS]
(16.1) and you will
fight like wolves [ObMs 076:11]
(16.2) my brave warriors, and
fight like heroes [ObMs 145:28]
(16.3) share their fate unless you
fight like heroes [ObMs 166:15]
(16.4) exerted themselves and
like dragons did they
fight [Mosiah 20:11 LDS]
(16.5) yea, they did
fight like dragons [Alma 43:44 LDS]
determined either
to die gloriously fighting
or to obtain victory [ObMs 140]
Determined to conquer or die, it was impossible to [ObMs 147:01]
determined to destroy his life or lose his own [ObMs 166:34]
(17.4) we will retain our swords, and we will
perish or conquer [Alma 44:08 LDS]
(17.5) they were
determined to conquer in this place
or die [Alma 56:17 LDS]
Determined to investigate (( the )) design of this [ObMs 002:01]
(18.2) Elseon had firmly
determined to marry Lamesa [ObMs 006:01]
(18.3) I am
determined to remove [ObMs 033:19]
(18.4) men
determined to vindicate our rights and to retaliate [ObMs 140:10]
determined to risk their lives in the defence of the city [ObMs 156:27]
determined, if they found their enemy,
to take ample [ObMs 159:06]
determined to wait for the return of Sambal [ObMs 171:16]
(18.8) insomuch that they were
determined to slay them [Alma 46:02 LDS]
(18.9) he was
determined. . .to overpower the Nephites [Alma 48:04 LDS]
(18.10) and they were
determined by the sword
to slay them [Alma 50:26 LDS]
(18.11) the Lamanites were
determined to maintain those cities [Alma 52:05 LDS]
(18.12) Jacob was
determined to slay them and cut his way through [Alma 52:34 LDS]
(18.13) ye are still
determined to carry on after his death [Alma 54:05 LDS]
(18.14) they were
determined to maintain those cities [Alma 56:26 LDS]
(18.15) they were still
determined to maintain the city [Alma 57:11 LDS]
(18.16) being
determined to overthrow the Lamanites in that city [Alma 62:14 LDS]
It is impossible to describe the horror of the bloody
scene . . .
the blood and carnage of so many thousand brave warriors [ObMs 162:01]
(19.2) And
it is impossible for the tongue
to describe, or for man to write a perfect description of
the horrible scene of
the blood and carnage . . . [Mor 2:13 RLDS, 4:11 LDS]
(20.1) nothing would satisfy but
blood and carnage [ObMs 125:06]
(20.2) redoubled their efforts in
spreading death and carnage [ObMs 149:02]
(20.3) the
blood and carnage of so many thousand brave warriors [ObMs 162:04]
(20.4) did
spread so much
death and carnage throughout the land [3 Nephi 2:11]
(20.5) there was
blood and carnage spread throughout all the face of the land [Mormon 2:8]
(20.6) such an awful scene of
blood and carnage [Mormon 5:8]
(20.7) so long had been the scene of
bloodshed and carnage [Ether 14:21]
(21.1) They demanded quarter and
surrendered themselves prisoners of war [ObMs 117:09]
(21.2) the Kentucks. . .
surrendered themselves prisoners of war [ObMs 117:15]
(21.3) He
took them prisoners of war, and took possession [Alma 55:24 LDS]
(21.4) and also
themselves as prisoners of war [Alma 56:54 LDS]
(21.5) that when they had
surrendered themselves up unto us [Alma 56:55 LDS]
deliver themselves up as
prisoners of war [Alma 56:56 LDS]
(21.7) after they had
surrendered themselves prisoners of war [Alma 57:14 LDS]
by using a little
stratagem [ObMs 073:23]
(22.2) saw the success of his
stratagem [ObMs 077:21]
(22.3) Reduced . . .
by a stratagem the most ingenious & artful to a situation which [ObMs 078:10]
(22.4) the curious
stratagem of Lobaska [ObMs 079:03]
by persuing the
stratagem or plan of Lobaska [ObMs 117:19]
(22.6) as much wit as much
stratagem courage strength & inhumanity [ObMs 128:05]
(22.7) seeking
by various arts &
stratagems to gain advantage [ObMs 154:14]
(22.8) to use
stratagem instead of attacking under great disadvantages [ObMs 156:04]
(22.9) that he should defend them
by stratagem [Alma 43:30 LDS]
(22.10) perhaps he might take again
by stratagem or some other way [Alma 52:10 LDS]
(22.11) Moroni resolved upon a
stratagem [Alma 54:3 LDS]
(22.12) we were desirous to bring a
stratagem into effect upon them [Alma 56:30 LDS]
(22.13) resolving
by stratagem to destroy us [Alma 58:6 LDS]
by this
stratagem we did take possession of the city of Manti [Alma 58:28 LDS]
(22.15) they did not resolve upon any
stratagem in the night-time [Alma 62:35 LDS]
(23.1) As the Sciotans
sallied out in parties to plunder [ObMs 153:32]
(23.2) fired with indignation,
sallied forth in parties in every direction [ObMs 155:19]
(23.3) they began to be fearful, and began to
sally forth [Alma 56:29 LDS]
(23.4) And the Lamanites were
sallying forth against us [Alma 58:06 LDS]
(23.5) those armies. . . began to come down and to
sally forth [3 Nephi 04:01 LDS]
(24.1) the intended
massacre of a barbarous unrelenting enemy [ObMs 158:22]
(24.2) that their wives and their children should be
massacred by the barbarous cruelty [Alma 48:24 LDS]
(25.1) posted his warriors in a
narrow passage which led to the city [ObMs 156:31]
(25.2) caused heaps of them to lie prostrate in the
narrow passage [ObMs 157:07]
(25.3) forcing his march into the city through this
narrow passage [ObMs 157:11]
(25.4) by the
narrow pass which led by the sea into the land northward [Alma 50:34 LDS]
(25.5) and secure the
narrow pass which led into the land northward [Alma 52:09 LDS]
(25.6) to the
narrow passage which led into the land [Mormon 02:29 LDS]
(25.7) by the
narrow pass which led into the land southward. [Mormon 03:05 LDS]
(26.1) attacked them
with such fury [ObMs 073:05]
(26.2) charged each other
with incredible fury [ObMs 148:03]
With tenfold rage and fury his warriors maintained the conflict [ObMs 148:31]
(26.4) They attacked them
with incredible fury [ObMs 157:18]
(26.5) engaged in the conflict
with tenfold fury [ObMs 167:27]
(26.6) to battle
with exceeding fury against Moroni [Alma 52:33 LDS]
(26.7) they fought on both hands
with exceeding fury [Alma 52:35 LDS]
(26.8) pressed upon their rear
with such fury. [Alma 52:36 LDS]
(27.1) visit your crimes
upon your head with a tenfold vengeance [ObMs 119:12]
(27.2) cruelties retaliated
upon themselves with a threefold vengeance [ObMs 154:04]
(27.3) blood of thousands shall come
upon your heads for vengeance [Alma 60:10 LDS]
(28.1) Warriors met warriors
with such equal strength and courage [ObMs 149:08]
(28.2) Lamanites. . . fight
with such exceedingly great strength and courage [Alma 43:43 LDS]
(29.1) caused
heaps of them to lie prostrate in the narrow passage [ObMs 157:07]
(29.2) that they should commence in digging up
heaps of earth [Alma 50:01 LDS]
(29.3) they did cast up mighty
heaps of earth to get ore [Ether 10:23 LDS]
(29.4) and their bones should become as
heaps of earth upon the [Ether 11:06 LDS]
When Hadokam. . .
had received this plan. . .
he immediately [ObMs 089:11]
When Hamboon
had received this letter,
he immediately [ObMs 122:06]
When Labanco
had. . .
he immediately assembled [ObMs 138:29]
after Moroni
had received. . . Helaman's epistle. . .
he immediately sent [Alma 59:01 LDS]
when Moronihah
had discovered this,
he immediately sent [Helaman 01:28 LDS]
The remainder of the three thousand sold their lives [ObMs 157:28]
(31.2) With
the remainder of his own troops, he returned back [ObMs 162:26]
The remainder escaped to their own land [ObMs 162:28]
(31.4) he marched with
the remainder, which consisted of about twenty [ObMs 171:09]
the remainder he concealed in the west valley [Alma 43:32 LDS]
(31.6) he did stir up
the remainder of his soldiers to anger [Alma 44:16 LDS]
(31.7) while
the remainder of the seed of Joseph shall perish [Alma 46:24 LDS]
the remainder were delivered up into the hands of Moroni [Alma 46:33 LDS]
the remainder of those dissenters, rather than be smitten down [Alma 51:20 LDS]
the remainder of them, being much confused, knew not whither [Alma 52:36 LDS]
(31.11) leaving
the remainder to maintain the city [Alma 56:33 LDS]
(31.12) and
the remainder I took and joined them to my stripling [Alma 56:67 LDS]
(31.13) as
the remainder of our army were about to give way [Alma 57:20 LDS]
(31.14) I remained, with
the remainder of my army [Alma 58:17 LDS]
(31.15) that he might obtain
the remainder of those possessions [Alma 59:04 LDS]
the remainder of the people of Nephihah were obliged to flee [Alma 59:08 LDS]
(31.17) enable the Lamanites to conquer
the remainder of the land [Alma 61:08 LDS]
(31.18) come. . . and leave
the remainder in the charge of Lehi [Alma 61:15 LDS]
(31.19) gave Lehi and Teancum command over
the remainder of his army [Alma 62:03 LDS]
(31.20) and
the remainder of them fled into the land of Moroni [Alma 62:25 LDS]
the remaining part of this extensive country [ObMs 085:16]
(32.2) slow through
the remaining part of the journey [ObMs 114:18]
(32.3) spent
the remaining part of the day and evening [ObMs 115:13]
(32.4) took
the remaining part of his army [Alma 43:25 LDS]
Even Bombal
himself declared that [ObMs 084:13]
even the king
himself went before his people [Mosiah 20:07 LDS]
(33.3) Yea,
even Amalickiah did
himself come down [Alma 51:12 LDS]
(34.1) Hamelick
himself was slain [ObMs 149:30]
(34.2) Coriantumr . . . he
himself was slain [Helaman 01:32 LDS]
Great were the amazement and consternation of Rambock [ObMs 162:32]
Great indeed
was the surprise, the consternation [ObMs 163:33]
(35.3) But as
great was their grief and lamentation, when they [ObMs 169:26]
(35.4) when they beheld. . . how
great was their joy [1 Nephi 16:32 LDS]
(35.5) so
great was their faith and their patience that [Mosiah 24:16 LDS]
(35.6) And so
great was their astonishment, that they fell [Mosiah 27:12 LDS]
(35.7) fell again to the earth, for
great was their astonishment [Mosiah 27:18 LDS]
(35.8) that so
great was their fear that they fell to the earth [Alma 14:27 LDS]
(35.9) But behold, how
great was their disappointment [Alma 49:04 LDS]
lest we
should fall into the hands of robbers [ObMs 034:01]
lest Hamboon
should not arrive in season to prevent [ObMs 158:25]
lest by any means a part of the Lamanites
should come into that land [Alma 43:25 LDS]
(36.4) against the Nephites
lest they
should lose their lives [Alma 47:02 LDS]
(36.5) fearful
lest the army of Moroni
should come upon them [Alma 50:28 LDS]
lest the Lamanites had awakened and
should come upon them [Alma 51:36 LDS]
lest the Lamanites
should obtain that point [Alma 52:09 LDS]
lest perhaps they
should not obtain the city Mulek [Alma 52:28 LDS]
(36.9) Helaman feared
lest by so doing they
should lose their souls [Alma 53:15 LDS]
lest they
should not be sufficiently strong and they should fall [Alma 56:24 LDS]
(36.11) turn to the right nor to the left
lest they
should be surrounded [Alma 56:40a LDS]
(36.12) nor to the left
lest they
should overtake me [Alma 56:40b LDS]
(36.13) let us go,
lest they
should overpower the army of Antipus [Alma 56:46 LDS]
(36.14) he feared
lest that he
should be destroyed [Helaman 02:11 LDS]
(37.1) The bridegroom and bride are now
desirous to form a family [ObMs 098:01]
(37.2) in the enjoyment of their rights, and
desirous to raise up [ObMs 100:24]
(37.3) We are, however,
desirous that an honorable reconciliation may take place [ObMs 124:19]
(37.4) Amalickiah was
desirous to be a king [Alma 46:04 LDS]
(37.5) people who were wroth were also
desirous that he should be their king [Alma 46:04 LDS]
(37.6) all the people who were
desirous to maintain their liberty [Alma 46:28 LDS]
(37.7) Therefore, those who were
desirous that the law should be altered [Alma 51:04 LDS]
(37.8) those who were
desirous that Pahoran should be dethroned [Alma 51:05a LDS]
(37.9) for they were
desirous that the law should be altered in a manner [Alma 51:05b LDS]
(37.10) those who were
desirous that Pahoran should remain [Alma 51:06 LDS]
(37.11) Lehi was not
desirous to overtake them till they should meet [Alma 52:30 LDS]
(37.12) moved with compassion and were
desirous to take up arms [Alma 53:13 LDS]
(37.13) made them more
desirous to drink of the wine [Alma 55:10 LDS]
(37.14) we were
desirous that the Lamanites should come upon us [Alma 56:21 LDS]
(37.15) for we were not
desirous to make an attack upon them [Alma 56:21 LDS]
(37.16) therefore we were
desirous, if they should pass by us [Alma 56:23 LDS]
(37.17) we were
desirous to bring a stratagem into effect upon them [Alma 56:30 LDS]
(37.18) they were exceedingly
desirous to overtake us [Alma 58:19 LDS]
(37.19) the Lamanites that were prisoners were
desirous to join [Alma 62:27 LDS]
(37.20) as many as were
desirous, unto them it was granted [Alma 62:28 LDS]
(38.1) and all were
astonished at his eloquence [ObMs 064:23]
(38.2) and all were
astonished at the ingenuity of his arguments [ObMs 067:15]
(38.3) Zeezrom was
astonished at the words which had been spoken [Alma 14:06 LDS]
(38.4) insomuch that they began to be
astonished at his power [Alma 17:36 LDS]
(38.5) the king was greatly
astonished at the words which he [Alma 20:27 LDS]
(38.6) And. . . were exceedingly
astonished at their manner [Alma 49:09 LDS]
(38.7) and began to be less and less
astonished at a sign [3 Nephi 02:01 LDS]
(39.1) weight on
the minds of a great majority of the people [ObMs 108:28]
(39.2) plan to produce in
the minds of the multitude [ObMs 126:34]
(39.3) excited in
the minds of the Kentucks a more ardent thirst [ObMs 148:28]
(39.4) The cowardly
mind of Ulipoon was not a [ObMs 159:28]
(39.5) terror seized
the minds of the whole multitude [ObMs 164:05]
(39.6) to prepare
the minds of the children of men [Alma 16:16 LDS]
(39.7) and also this was
the minds of the people [Alma 17:06 LDS]
(39.8) powerful effect upon
the minds of the people [Alma 31:05 LDS]
(39.9) they found out privily
the minds of all the people [Alma 35:05 LDS]
(39.10) they had found out
the minds of all the people [Alma 35:06 LDS]
(39.11) that they may prepare
the minds of their children [Alma 39:16 LDS]
(39.12) had been preparing
the minds of the people [Alma 48:07 LDS]
(39.13) established according to
the minds of those who [3 Nephi 07:14 LDS]
Thus ended the affair [ObMs 016:23]
Thus ended the great battle on the Plains [ObMs 151:01]
(40.3) and
thus ended the days of Alma, who was the founder of [Mosiah 29:47 LDS]
(40.4) And
thus ended the words of Amulek, or this is all [Alma 11:46 LDS]
(40.5) And
thus ended the account of Alma, and Helaman [Alma 63:17 LDS]
(40.6) And
thus ended the days of Pacumeni [Helaman 01:21 LDS]
(40.7) And
thus ended the book of Helaman, according to [Helaman 16:25 LDS]
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