Spalding Authorship Page
Among the People:
More Textual Parallels
Dale R. Broadhurst
Comparison of selected phrases from the Oberlin Spalding manuscript and Book of Mormon |
(41.1) to defuse the knowledge of them
among the people [ObMs 053:03]
(41.2) He still continued to associate
among the people and was [ObMs 069:04]
(41.3) and gave permission to propagate it
among the people [ObMs 070:12]
(41.4) and to defuse useful knowledge
among the people [ObMs 084:04]
(41.5) the state of society which exists
among the people [ObMs 093:04]
(41.6) military tactics. . . was likewise defused
among the people [ObMs 093:19]
(41.7) the sons of Alma did go forth
among the people [Alma 43:01 LDS]
(41.8) the work of death should cease again
among the people [Alma 44:20 LDS]
(41.9) shall no more be numbered
among the people [Alma 45:13 LDS]
(41.10) Helaman went forth
among the people to declare [Alma 45:20 LDS]
(41.11) disturbances which had been
among the people [Alma 45:21 LDS]
(41.12) he went forth
among the people, waving the rent part [Alma 46:19 LDS]
(41.13) and sent forth to preach
among the people [Alma 49:30 LDS]
(41.14) never was a happier time
among the people of Nephi [Alma 50:23 LDS]
(41.15) would also have been peace
among the people of Nephi [Alma 50:25 LDS]
(41.16) serious consequences
among the people of Nephi [Alma 50:32 LDS]
(41.17) there began to be a contention
among the people [Alma 51:02 LDS]
(41.18) such contentions to be
among the people of Nephi [Alma 51:09 LDS]
(41.19) to such contentions and dissensions
among the people [Alma 51:16 LDS]
(41.20) and all manner of iniquity
among the people of Nephi [Alma 62:40 LDS]
(41.21) more peace established
among the people of Nephi [Alma 62:42 LDS]
(41.22) serious difficulty
among the people of the Nephites [Helaman 01:01 LDS]
(41.23) they did cause three divisions
among the people [Helaman 01:04 LDS]
(41.24) Kishkumen was not known
among the people of Nephi [Helaman 01:12a LDS]
(41.25) did mingle themselves
among the people [Helaman 01:12b LDS]
(41.26) began to be a contention again
among the people [Helaman 02:01 LDS]
(41.27) placed in power and authority
among the people [Helaman 02:05 LDS]
(41.28) there was no contention
among the people of Nephi [Helaman 03:01a LDS]
(41.29) did cause some little dissensions
among the people [Helaman 03:01b LDS]
(41.30) And there was no contention
among the people [Helaman 03:02 LDS]
(42.1) and being
prepared to take our departure, the king [ObMs 036:13]
(42.2) The way was now
prepared to introduce his system [ObMs 083:07]
(42.3) his men were collected and
prepared to move [ObMs 136:14]
(42.4) marched with precipitation,
prepared to make a most [ObMs 166:28]
(42.5) And thus being
prepared to meet the Lamanites [Jarom 01:09 LDS]
(42.6) the Nephites were
prepared to meet them [Alma 43:15 LDS]
(42.7) according to his desire, he was
prepared to meet them [Alma 43:33 LDS]
(42.8) had
prepared to remove the cause of diseases [Alma 46:40 LDS]
(42.9) thus were the Nephites
prepared to destroy all such [Alma 49:19 LDS]
(42.10) and thus were they
prepared to defend themselves [Alma 49:20 LDS]
(42.11) And now behold, we are
prepared to receive you [Alma 54:09 LDS]
(42.12) and saw that we were
prepared to meet them [Alma 58:29 LDS]
(43.1) The Emperor importuned him to
tarry [ObMs 111]
(43.2) They all
tarried at a village over night [ObMs 112]
(43.3) consider himself whilst he
tarried as a member of our family [ObMs 120]
(43.4) we shall permit her to
tarry in our dominions [ObMs 124]
(43.5) The sun did not
tarry in his course [ObMs 151:07]
(43.6) Not a moment. . . did Elseon
tarry, but marched [ObMs 166:27]
(43.7) that he would
tarry with us from that time forth [1 Nephi 4:35 LDS]
(43.8) Now we were desirous that he should
tarry with us [1 Nephi 4:36 LDS]
(43.9) that we might
tarry for the space of a time [1 Nephi 16:33 LDS]
(43.10) told him all the cause of his
tarrying in his own kingdom [Alma 20:12 LDS]
(43.11) And now he did not
tarry in the land [Helaman 01:23 LDS]
(43.12) they would ask him to
tarry a little longer [3 Nephi 17:5 LDS]
(43.13) save it were the three who were to
tarry [3 Nephi 28:12 LDS]
(43.14) save it were the three who should
tarry [4 Nephi 14 LDS]
(43.15) who did
tarry with them [4 Nephi 30 LDS]
(43.16) the three disciples of Jesus who should
tarry [4 Nephi 37 LDS]
(43.17) who did
tarry in the land [Mormon 8:10 LDS]
(43.18) his disciples who should
tarry [Mormon 9:22 LDS]
(44.1) and these artists better employ their
strength and ingenuity [ObMs 049:11]
(44.2) He lived. . . to see them acquire that
strength and firmness [ObMs 091:23]
(44.3) what avails their valour, their
strength and numbers [ObMs 103:15]
(44.4) seized an oar and used it with great
strength and dexterity [ObMs 114:12]
(44.5) as much stratagem, courage,
strength and inhumanity [ObMs 128:04]
(44.6) fifteen thousand who boasted of superior
strength and agility [ObMs 135:03]
(44.7) Possessed of gigantic
strength and of astonishing agility [ObMs 135:07]
(44.8) being nearly equal as to
strength and numbers [ObMs 146:25]
(44.9) with such equal
strength and courage that it was [ObMs 149:08]
(44.10) were met by others of equal
strength and valor [ObMs 167:04]
(44.11) preserved as a trophy of my superior
strength and valor [ObMs 168:12]
(44.12) boasting in thy
strength and thy wisdom [Alma 39:2 LDS]
(44.13) fight with such exceedingly great
strength and courage [Alma 43:43 LDS]
(44.14) did seek to cut off the
strength and the power of the Lamanites [Alma 50:12 LDS]
(44.15) exceed the Lamanites in their
strength and in their skill of war [Alma 51:31 LDS]
(44.16) valiant for courage, and also for
strength and activity [Alma 53:20 LDS]
(44.17) rendered unto our armies sufficient
strength and succor [Alma 60:05 LDS]
(44.18) I will leave the
strength and the blessings of God upon them [Alma 60:25 LDS]
(44.19) with his
strength and also with his great wisdom [Helaman 01:16 LDS]
(45.1) by
the great founder of our government [ObMs 128:12]
(45.2) yea, even
the great head of our government [Alma 60:24 LDS]
(46.1) reverence with which the
whole army viewed him [ObMs 136:32]
(46.2) the
whole army with one voice proclaimed [ObMs 138:11]
(46.3) the
whole army with a loud voice replied [ObMs 140:24]
(46.4) there encamped with his
whole army [ObMs 153]
(46.5) Rambock marched his
whole army towards the City [ObMs 156]
(46.6) amazement and consternation of Rambock & his
whole army [ObMs 162-163]
(46.7) a second leader over the
whole army [Alma 47:13 LDS]
(46.8) They durst not pass by us with their
whole army [Alma 56:24 LDS]
(46.9) that the
whole army of the Lamanites halted [Alma 56:52 LDS]
(46.10) to our great astonishment, and also the joy of our
whole army [Alma 57:25 LDS]
(46.11) their preservation was astonishing to our
whole army [Alma 57:26 LDS]
(46.12) the Lamanites did suffer their
whole army. . . to be led away [Alma 58:22 LDS]
(46.13) they had driven their
whole army therefore they took no [Alma 58:25 LDS]
(46.14) they did defy the
whole armies of the Nephites [Helaman 11:32 LDS]
(47.1) prepared for the souls
of the righteous [ObMs 057:16]
(47.2) the felicity
of the righteous [ObMs 057:23]
(47.3) the delights
of the righteous [ObMs 058:05]
(47.4) God must deliver up the spirits
of the righteous [2 Nephi 09:13 LDS]
(47.5) take away the righteousness
of the righteous from him [2 Nephi 15:23 LDS]
(47.6) yet the words
of the righteous shall be written [2 Nephi 26:15 LDS]
(47.7) shall not be numbered among the names
of the righteous [Alma 05:57 LDS]
(47.8) For the names
of the righteous shall be written in the book [Alma 05:58 LDS]
(47.9) Ye are laying plans to pervert the ways
of the righteous [Alma 10:18 LDS]
(47.10) I say unto you that if it were not for the prayers
of the righteous [Alma 10:22 LDS]
(47.11) But it is by the prayers
of the righteous that ye are spared [Alma 10:23 LDS]
(47.12) but in the hearts
of the righteous doth he dwell [Alma 34:36 LDS]
(47.13) because of the prayers
of the righteous [Alma 62:40 LDS]
(47.14) seduced the more part
of the righteous until they had come [Helaman 06:38 LDS]
(47.15) the Lord will remember the prayers
of the righteous [Mormon 05:21 LDS]
(48.1) all crying
with a loud voice [ObMs 130:30]
(48.2) the whole army,
with a loud voice replied [ObMs 140:24]
(48.3) At this instant a
loud voice was heard [ObMs 161:13]
(48.4) I also did say unto them
with a loud voice that [1 Nephi 08:15 LDS]
(48.5) the Spirit cried
with a loud voice, saying: Hosanna [1 Nephi 11:06 LDS]
(48.6) she arose and. . . cried
with a loud voice, saying [Alma 19:29 LDS]
(48.7) hands towards heaven, and cry
with a loud voice, saying [Alma 31:14 LDS]
(48.8) saying unto them
with a loud voice [Alma 44:13 LDS]
(48.9) and crying
with a loud voice, saying: "Behold [Alma 46:19 LDS]
(48.10) and stretched forth his hand and cried
with a loud voice [Helaman 13:04 LDS]
(48.11) they began to shout
with a loud voice, because of their joy [3 Nephi 04:09 LDS]
(48.12) they . . . did cry
with a loud voice, saying: [3 Nephi 04:28 LDS]
(49.1) The whole army
with one voice proclaimed [ObMs 138:11]
(49.2) they all cried aloud
with one voice, saying: O have mercy [Mosiah 04:02 LDS]
(49.3) they all cried
with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe [Mosiah 05:02 LDS]
(49.4) and they cried
with one voice unto the Lord [Alma 43:49 LDS]
(49.5) they did rejoice and cry again
with one voice [3 Nephi 04:30 LDS]
(49.6) they did cry out
with one voice, and gave glory to Jesus [3 Nephi 20:09 LDS]
(50.1) Rambock ordered them to parade on a great
plain [ObMs 136:22]
(50.2) paraded on a great
plain before the city [ObMs 139:04]
(50.3) and paraded on the great
Plain of Geheno [ObMs 142:27]
(50.4) pale and lifeless on the sanguine
plain [ObMs 146:23]
(50.5) Thus ended the great battle on the
plains of Geheno [ObMs 151:01]
(50.6) with his army to meet them upon the
plains [Alma 52:20 LDS]
(50.7) did pitch their tents in the
plains of Nephihah [Alma 62:18 LDS]
(50.8) come out to battle against them, upon the
plains [Alma 62:19 LDS]
(50.9) did pursue him until he came to the
plains of Heshlon [Ether 13:28 LDS]
(50.10) gave him battle again upon the
plains [Ether 13:29 LDS]
(50.11) pursue him until he came to the
plains of Agosh [Ether 14:15 LDS]
(50.12) And when he had come to the
plains of Agosh he gave [Ether 14:16 LDS]
(51.1) and
many thousand robust and brave warriors [ObMs 147:15]
(51.2) at the head of
many thousand Sciotans [ObMs 147:22]
(51.3) of so
many thousand brave warriors [ObMs 062:04]
(51.4) How
many thousands are massacred [ObMs 166:13]
(51.5) destruction of so
many thousand of their enemies [ObMs 169:25]
(51.6) they had slain
many thousands of the Lamanites [Words Morm. 01:14 LDS]
(51.7) Behold, how
many thousands of our brethren [Alma 26:13 LDS]
(51.8) the destruction of
many thousand lives; yea [Alma 28:10 LDS]
(51.9) the bodies of
many thousands are laid low [Alma 28:11a LDS]
(51.10) the bodies of
many thousands are moldering [Alma 28:11b LDS]
(51.11) While
many thousands of others truly mourn [Alma 28:12 LDS]
(51.12) convinced so
many thousands of the Lamanites [Alma 37:09 LDS]
(51.13) the means of bringing
many thousands of [Alma 37:10 LDS]
(51.14) the restoration of
many thousands of the [Alma 37:19 LDS]
(51.15) because of the
many thousands who had been slain [Alma 51:11 LDS]
(51.16) a great
many thousand years before his coming [Helaman 08:18 LDS]
(51.17) a great
many thousand people who were called [3 Nephi 03:24 LDS]
(51.18) there were
many thousands who did yield themselves [3 Nephi 04:27 LDS]
(51.19) and
many thousands fell by the sword [Ether 14:04 LDS]
(52.1) he is authorised to
compel a compliance [ObMs 86]
(52.2) The thief is
compelled to make ample restitution [ObMs 99]
(52.3) we are
compelled to declare that he has committed a crime [ObMs 121]
compel the goverment of Kentuck to commit another crime [ObMs 127]
(52.5) and
compel her haughty sons to bow in our presence [ObMs 129]
(52.6) brave warriors. . . were
compelled to receive deadly wounds [ObMs 147:16]
(52.7) Hamul
compelled the division commanded by Sabamah to fall back [ObMs 149]
(52.8) and in this way to
compel them to cross [ObMs 154]
(52.9) the man was
compelled to pay that which he owed [Alma 11:2 LDS]
(52.10) because ye are
compelled to be humble [Alma 32:13 LDS]
(52.11) to know the word, or even
compelled to know [Alma 32:16 LDS]
(52.12) the same is not
compelled to come [Alma 42:27 LDS]
(52.13) the Nephites were
compelled, alone, to withstand [Alma 43:13 LDS]
(52.14) that he should go forth and
compel them to arms [Alma 47:3 LDS]
(52.15) they were
compelled reluctantly to contend with their brethren [Alma 48:21 LDS]
(52.16) power to
compel those dissenters to defend their country [Alma 51:15 LDS]
(52.17) those dissenters. . . were
compelled to hoist the title [Alma 51:20 LDS]
(52.18) they were
compelled to march with their brethren [Alma 52:39 LDS]
(52.19) and did
compel them to go forth and bury their dead [Alma 53:1 LDS]
(52.20) Now Moroni was
compelled to cause the Lamanites to labor [Alma 53:5 LDS]
(52.21) those who . . . were
compelled to behold [Alma 53:15 LDS]
(52.22) they were
compelled by the orders of Ammoron to not [Alma 56:18 LDS]
(52.23) that they were
compelled to deliver up [Alma 56:54 LDS]
(52.24) those who had been
compelled to flee [Alma 59:6 LDS]
(52.25) those people who . . . were
compelled because of their fear [Helaman 8:10 LDS]
(52.26) and were
compelled, for the safety of their lives [3 Nephi 2:12 LDS]
(53.1) We were
obliged to anchor amongst them [ObMs 037:09]
(53.2) They were
obliged, in their turn,
to retreat [ObMs 150:25]
(53.3) and we were
obliged to leave behind our property [1 Nephi 03:26 LDS]
(53.4) therefore they were
obliged to abide by the laws [Alma 01:01 LDS]
(53.5) the Nephites were
obliged to contend with their brethren [Alma 43:14 LDS]
(53.6) they durst not oppose but were
obliged to maintain the cause [Alma 51:07 LDS]
(53.7) we were
obliged to employ all our force [Alma 57:13 LDS]
(53.8) the people of Nephihah were
obliged to flee [Alma 59:08 LDS]
(54.1) and facing the multitude
on every side [ObMs 026:04]
(54.2) blood, which was spread thick
on every side [ObMs 149:13]
(54.3) Warriors fell
on every side and the field was covered [ObMs 167:16]
(54.4) the Lamanites had surrounded them
on every side [Mosiah 21:05 LDS]
(54.5) have power to harass them
on every side [Alma 52:09 LDS]
(54.6) and should hem them in
on every side, and if they [3 Nephi 04:16 LDS]
(55.1) Sciotan government should demand
that we should send [ObMs 122:20]
(55.2) No satisfaction will they receive. . .except
that we should seize the princess [ObMs 122]
(55.3) he requires,
that we should not only avenge [ObMs 137:18]
(55.4) demand of us
that we should secure their remains [ObMs 151:16]
(55.5) it is wisdom in God
that we should obtain these records [1 Nephi 3:19 LDS]
that we should be led. . .
that we should be scattered [1 Nephi 10:13 LDS]
that we should arise and go down into the ship [1 Nephi 18:5 LDS]
(55.8) in warning us,
that we should flee out of the land [2 Nephi 01:03 LDS]
(55.9) And my people would
that we should call the name of the place Nephi [2 Nephi 5:8 LDS]
(55.10) better
that we should be in bondage than
that we should lose our lives [Mosiah 20:22 LDS]
(55.11) they have halted for the purpose
that we should come against them [Alma 56:43 LDS]
(55.12) expedient
that we should take those provisions and send them [Alma 57:11 LDS]
(55.13) for us,
that we should put an end to their lives [Alma 57:15 LDS]
that we should employ our men. . .
that we should wait [Alma 58:3 LDS]
(55.15) and did cause us
that we should hope for our [Alma 58:11 LDS]
(55.16) fearing
that we should cut them off from their support [Alma 58:15 LDS]
(55.17) have become slippery
that we should lose them [Helaman 13:33 LDS]
(55.18) to cause us
that we should believe in some great and [Helaman 16:20 LDS]
(56.1) thirsted for each other's blood, for
the blood of brothers [ObMs 079:23]
(56.2) the stolen treasure or
the blood of the transgressor [ObMs 130:12]
(56.3) deluge our land with
the blood of our citizens [ObMs 139:32]
(56.4) hands should be stained with
the blood of your [ObMs 142:13]
(56.5) after his sword was crimsoned with
the blood of enemies [ObMs 149:31]
(56.6) and mingle their blood with
the blood of heroes [ObMs 152:05]
(56.7) to his manes
the blood of his cruel enemies [ObMs 156:31]
(56.8) sword was crimsoned with
the blood of his friend [ObMs 167:29]
(56.9) whose sword is red with
the blood of my friends [ObMs 169:09]
(56.10) brethren should rejoice over
the blood of the Nephites [Alma 48:25 LDS]
(56.11) he had sworn to drink
the blood of Moroni [Alma 51:09 LDS]
(56.12) those people who professed
the blood of nobility [Alma 51:21 LDS]
(56.13) by the shedding of
the blood of so many of our valiant men [Alma 56:13 LDS]
the blood of thousands shall come upon your heads [Alma 60:10 LDS]
(56.15) We would not shed
the blood of the Lamanites [Alma 61:10 LDS]
(56.16) We would not shed
the blood of our brethren [Alma 61:11 LDS]
(57.1) and fit it
for the purpose of edged tools [ObMs 045:11]
(57.2) both parties met
for the purpose of agreeing to terms [ObMs 079:09]
(57.3) agreed to the suspension of arms
for the purpose of burying [ObMs 153:08]
(57.4) shall be given them
for the purpose of convincing them [2 Nephi 25:18 LDS]
(57.5) interpreters were doubtless prepared
for the purpose of unfolding [Mosiah 08:19 LDS]
(57.6) were handed down. . .
for the purpose of interpreting languages [Mosiah 28:14 LDS]
(57.7) and this is
for the purpose of preparing the hearts [Alma 13:24 LDS]
(57.8) a sepulchre, which they had made
for the purpose of burying [Alma 19:01 LDS]
(57.9) their brethren. . . came up. . .
for the purpose of destroying [Alma 24:20 LDS]
(57.10) but they have halted
for the purpose that we should come [Alma 56:43 LDS]
(58.1) these
were pursued, overtaken, or
met by parties [ObMs 153:33]
(58.2) Those who had attempted. . .
were met and massacred
by [ObMs 165:21]
(58.3) bands rushing between the divisions
were met by others [ObMs 167:03]
(58.4) they
were met. . . until they were scattered on the [Alma 02:37 LDS]
(58.5) and they
were met again
by the armies of Moroni [Alma 43:42 LDS]
(58.6) it came to pass that they
were met by Teancum [Alma 51:29 LDS]
(58.7) and then they
were met by Lehi and a small army [Alma 52:27 LDS]
(58.8) bring them up in the rear at the same time they
were met [Alma 56:23 LDS]
(58.9) until they
were met by Lehi and Teancum [Alma 62:32 LDS]
(58.10) robbers began their march, they
were met by the armies [3 Nephi 04:25 LDS]
(59.1) something
whispers me that this night we can perform [ObMs 154:28]
(59.2) for thus it
whispereth me, according to the [Words Morm. 01:10 RLDS; 01:02 LDS]
(60.1) of these articles,
on the part of the princes of Kentuck [ObMs 081:01]
(60.2) terminate the war successfully
on the part of the Sciotans [ObMs 156:06]
(60.3) it would be the means of great loss
on the part of the Nephites [Alma 31:04 LDS]
(60.4) but it was more dreadful
on the part of the Lamanites [Alma 43:37 LDS]
on the part of the Nephites and also
on the part of the Lamanites [Mormon 02:08 LDS]
(61.1) We are therefore bound to
maintain the rights and privileges [ObMs 061:13]
(61.2) retain the Princess and
maintain the conflict [ObMs 122:16]
(61.3) They could no longer
maintain the bloody contest [ObMs 157:20]
(61.4) yea, to support and
maintain the cause of God [Alma 50:39 LDS]
(61.5) they durst not oppose but were obliged to
maintain the cause of freedom [Alma 51:07 LDS]
(61.6) leaving the remainder to
maintain the city [Alma 56:33 LDS]
(61.7) after this manner, they were still determined to
maintain the city [Alma 57:11 LDS]
(61.8) he hath agreed to
maintain the city of Zarahemla [Alma 61:08 LDS]
(62.1) we have now
commenced a new voyage [ObMs 018:07]
(62.2) Sciota and Kentuck had
commenced their new career [ObMs 093:06]
(62.3) marched into the City and
commenced a general plunder [ObMs 158]
(62.4) as the darkness of the night had now
commenced [ObMs 158:15]
(62.5) an attack after the battle
should commence [ObMs 159:25]
(62.6) when he
should commence the engagement [ObMs 163:22]
(62.7) made his arangements to rush forward and
commence the attack [ObMs 166]
(62.8) insomuch that they who had
commenced in the path [1 Nephi 08:23 LDS]
(62.9) And thus
commenced the reign of the judges [Mosiah 29:44 LDS]
(62.10) wars and contentions were
commenced and ended [Alma 3:25 LDS]
(62.11) thus
commenced a war betwixt the Lamanites and Nephites [Alma 35:13 LDS]
(62.12) for as you have
commenced in your youth to look to [Alma 38:02 LDS]
(62.13) And the work of death
commenced on both sides [Alma 43:37 LDS]
(62.14) that they
should commence in digging up heaps [Alma 50:01a LDS]
(62.15) he caused that his armies
should commence in the [Alma 50:01b LDS]
(62.16) that a battle
commenced between them [Alma 50:35 LDS]
(62.17) and having
commenced the twenty and fifth year in peace [Alma 51:01]
(62.18) that they
should commence laboring in digging a ditch [Alma 53:03 LDS]
(62.19) that they
should commence a labor in strengthening [Alma 55:25 LDS]
(62.20) overtaken them, and a terrible battle had
commenced [Alma 56:49]
(62.21) the wickedness which first
commenced at our head [Alma 60:15 LDS]
(62.22) therefore they
commenced a war with their brethren [Helaman 11:24 LDS]
(62.23) the work of the Father hath already
commenced unto the [3 Nephi 21:07 LDS]
(62.24) ye may know that the work of the Father has
commenced [Ether 04:17 LDS]
(63.1) This novel invention was soon
carried into effect [ObMs 074:25]
(63.2) with the plan, granted. . . permission to
carry it into effect [ObMs 160:15]
(63.3) he returned back to
carry into effect the order of Hamboon [ObMs 162:26]
(63.4) they would have
carried this plan
into effect [Alma 50:30 LDS]
(63.5) we were desirous to bring a stratagem
into effect [Alma 56:30 LDS]
(64.1) They all precipitate
their course [ObMs 114:06]
(64.2) ordered them to turn
their course towards the Great River [ObMs 160:30]
(64.3) they went round. . . and bent
their course towards the land [Mosiah 22:11 LDS]
(64.4) if we follow
their course, carry us beyond this vale [Alma 37:45 LDS]
(64.5) Moroni being in
their course of march, therefore Jacob was [Alma 52:34 LDS]
(64.6) and they took
their course northward [Alma 63:06 LDS]
(65.1) We were immediately
conducted to the king [ObMs 034:13]
(65.2) He was
conducted to the King and introduced to him [ObMs 065:03]
(65.3) They are then
conducted to a log 'round which a rope is tied [ObMs 097:15]
(65.4) I am your friend and will
conduct you beyond the loving [ObMs 111:13]
(65.5) I will
conduct you to the field of battle and direct your movements [ObMs 137:31]
(65.6) I shall
conduct you to my palace and you shall [ObMs 165:05]
(65.7) Helicon would ascend and
conduct her as his partner [ObMs 170:14]
(65.8) prepare his horses and chariots, and
conduct him forth to the [Alma 18:09 LDS]
(65.9) Alma
conducted his brethren back to the land of Zarahemla [Alma 27:20 LDS]
(65.10) give unto them power to
conduct the war in that part of the land [Alma 61:15 LDS]
(65.11) desiring that he would
conduct him to the judgment-seat [Helaman 02:07 LDS]
(66.1) niggardly and avaricious
disposition of their commander [ObMs 162:07]
(66.2) malice and vengeful
disposition have produced this horrid war [ObMs 166:18]
(66.3) were of a more wicked and murderous
disposition [Alma 43:06 LDS]
(67.1) A messenger
ran and told Elseon of the fate [ObMs 167:17]
(67.2) his servants
ran and told the queen all that had happened [Alma 22:19 LDS]
(67.3) they
ran and told it unto Jacob, their leader [Alma 52:22 LDS]
(67.4) And he
ran and told Helaman all the things [Helaman 02:09 LDS]
(67.5) and they
ran and told the people what they had seen [Helaman 07:11 LDS]
(67.6) and the servants
ran and told the people, raising the cry [Helaman 09:06 LDS]
When I
had removed the cover I found that it [ObMs 002:24]
(68.2) and
when he
had arrived at the royal city of Gamba [ObMs 082:09]
When Hadokam, King of Sciota,
had received this [ObMs 089:10]
When the two Empires of Sciota and Kentuck
had commenced [ObMs 093:05]
When they
had ridden about two miles they halted [ObMs 113:25]
When they
had arrived at the village, what was their [ObMs 115:19]
When further deliberation
had taken place, the Emperor [ObMs 120:24]
When Hamboon
had received this letter, he immediately [ObMs 122:06]
When these kings with their forces
had all arrived at Tolanga [ObMs 136:22]
When Labanco
had presented to Hamboon. . . the declaration [ObMs 138:29]
When the Sciotans
had advanced, with a firm and moderate [ObMs 146:08]
When the night
had far advanced Rambock's forces [ObMs 163:23]
When Elseon
had entered the fort, he found that [ObMs 170:20]
when Zerahemnah
had heard these sayings he came forth [Alma 44:08 LDS]
when Zerahemnah
had made an end of speaking [Alma 44:10 LDS]
(68.16) And now
when Moroni
had said these words [Alma 44:12 LDS]
when Alma
had said these words he blessed the church [Alma 45:17 LDS]
when Alma
had done this he departed out of the land [Alma 45:18 LDS]
when he
had poured out his soul to God, he named [Alma 46:17 LDS]
(68.20) And
when Moroni
had said these words, he went forth [Alma 46:19 LDS]
when Moroni
had proclaimed these words, behold [Alma 46:21 LDS]
(68.22) that
when Moroni
had said these words he went forth [Alma 46:28 LDS]
when Lehonti
had come down with his guards to [Alma 47:13 LDS]
when he
had raised the first from the ground, behold [Alma 47:24 LDS]
when they
had come to the spot, and found the king [Alma 47:27 LDS]
when she
had heard that the king was slain [Alma 47:32 LDS]
when the Queen
had received this message she sent unto [Alma 47:33 LDS]
when the Lamanites
had found that Lehi commanded [Alma 49:17 LDS]
when Moroni
had driven all the Lamanites out [Alma 50:09 LDS]
when the men . . .
had heard that the Lamanites were [Alma 51:13 LDS]
when the guards of the Lamanites
had discovered Teancum [Alma 52:22 LDS]
when the chief captains of the Lamanites
had beheld Lehi [Alma 52:28 LDS]
(68.33) that
when the Lamanites
had heard these words [Alma 52:38 LDS]
(68.34) Ammoron,
when he
had received this epistle, was angry [Alma 54:15 LDS]
when Moroni
had received this epistle he was more angry [Alma 55:01 LDS]
when Moroni
had said these words, he caused that [Alma 55:04 LDS]
when Moroni
had armed all those prisoners [Alma 55:17 LDS]
(68.38) that
when he
had fortified the city Gid, according to [Alma 55:26 LDS]
when they
had been informed by their spies [Alma 56:35 LDS]
when they
had surrendered themselves up unto us [Alma 56:55 LDS]
when they
had fled and we could not overtake them [Alma 57:34 LDS]
when I, Helaman,
had heard these words of Gid [Alma 57:36 LDS]
(68.43) and
when they
had thus secreted themselves, behold [Alma 58:17 LDS]
(68.44) And
when they
had come and were about to fall [Alma 58:18 LDS]
when the Lamanites
had passed by, or
when the army
had [Alma 58:20 LDS]
(68.46) that
when they
had cut them off [Alma 58:21 LDS]
when Moroni
had sent this epistle to the land of Zarahemla [Alma 59:04 LDS]
when Moroni
had received this epistle his heart did [Alma 62:01 LDS]
when Moroni
had gathered together whatsoever [Alma 62:06 LDS]
(68.50) And
when they
had entered into this covenant [Alma 62:17 LDS]
when they
had sent them away they pursued their march [Alma 62:18a LDS]
when they
had come to the city of Nephihah [Alma 62:18b LDS]
when Moronihah
had discovered this, he immediately [Helaman 01:28 LDS]
(68.54) And
when the servant of Helaman
had known all [Helaman 02:08 LDS]
when Gadianton
had found that Kishkumen did not [Helaman 02:11 LDS]
(69.1) there are nations vastly
more numerous. . . than themselves [ObMs 032:23]
(69.2) the young women. . . are
more numerous than the young men [ObMs 058:12]
(69.3) those descendants were as
numerous, nearly, as were the Nephites [Alma 43:14 LDS]
(69.4) the Lamanites were
more numerous, yea, by more than double [Alma 43:51 LDS]
(69.5) the people of Moroni were
more numerous than the Amalickiahites [Alma 46:29 LDS]
(69.6) our prisoners were so
numerous that, notwithstanding [Alma 57:13 LDS]
(69.7) they were so much
more numerous than was our army [Alma 58:02 LDS]
(69.8) we know that they are
more numerous than that which [Alma 58:36 LDS]
(69.9) their armies were so
numerous that the remainder of the people [Alma 59:08 LDS]
(69.10) and those who have risen up are exceedingly
numerous [Alma 61:03 LDS]
(70.1) shall hold their offices and
exercise the same
authority [ObMs 086:24]
(70.2) They shall
exercise a jurisdiction over all the priests [ObMs 087:23]
(70.3) they would smite them. . . and
exercise authority over them [Mosiah 21:03 LDS]
(70.4) began to
exercise authority over Alma and his brethren [Mosiah 24:08 LDS]
(70.5) he
exercised authority over them, and put tasks upon them [Mosiah 24:09 LDS]
(70.6) he had power. . . to
exercise authority over them [Alma 46:34 LDS]
(70.7) they did
exercise power and
authority over the disciples [4 Nephi 01:30 LDS]
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